Statistics of Recent Fatal Bus Crashes in Thailand


Sadly, there was news this morning of yet another fatal bus crash in Thailand. This time in Tak province with at least a reported 30 dead. Apparently the breaks failed on this night bus and it plunged into a ravine. Crashes like this happen so often in Thailand. If you follow me on Twitter on @191Thailand you have probably already decided never to take a night bus in Thailand ever again. Since October last year, there have been five big crashes in Thailand which add up to 120 deaths. This is not the total number of fatalities as there have been plenty of smaller crashes with only a few dead at a time.

  1. 23rd October 2013: Lampang – 22 dead
  2. 26th December 2013: Phetchabun – 30 dead
  3. 28th february 2014: Prachinburi – 15 dead
  4. 3rd March 2014: Phitsanulok – 22 dead
  5. 24th march 2014: Tak – 30 dead

One thought on “Statistics of Recent Fatal Bus Crashes in Thailand

  • March 25, 2014 at 1:06 pm

    I’m sure the original author of the following quote will allow me to post it here:

    Thai males that inhabit the lower strata of society here (police, coach drivers, nearly all males under 30) are basically neanderthals.

    Certain other sections of Thai society are clearly aware of that fact and through a concerted family effort to better themselves through education, good parenting, and a belief in hard work, will try and distance themselves and reduce their need to have much contact with the lumpen masses and the havoc they drag along in their wake.


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