Tak Mor Restaurant in Chachoengsao
There are many good restaurants that you can eat at while visiting Chachoenbngsao province but today I want to introduce you to Tak Mor Restaurant in Muang district.
The main menu is Kuay Jub, Krapao Pla and Khao Moo Krob. Kuay Jub noodles is probably the most popular as it comes with various ingredients that ranges from crispy pork to intestines such as liver.
Tak Mor has been operating for 29 years so far but it has only been in its present location for the past 16 years. It is open every day from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. The only time it is closed is for the ten days during the Vegetarian Festival in October.
I have marked this restaurant on my Google Map of Chachoengsao which also has interesting tourist attractions.
We also have kuay jub here in Borneo. A TeoChiew Chinese dish, I believe.