How to Watch English Premier League in Thailand
Ever since TrueVisions lost the rights to broadcast the English Premier League in Thailand, everyone has been waiting to hear how they can watch the football matches on CTH. This is mainly because hardly anyone had heard of them before. Many people kept asking me what packages and prices they would offer and how they would be able to watch the channels. The wait is nearly over as this month they will be launching their packages for football lovers in Thailand. We now have some details about the packages and also how to watch. Unfortunately, their website is only in Thai, but here is the outline as I understand so far:
What’s on offer are 140 channels which includes 31 channels in HD. The logos for these channels can be seen below. As for the EPL, you will be able to watch all 380 matches on six dedicated channels. The prices start at only 599 Baht all the way up to 899 Baht depending on how far in advance that you pay.
- 899 Baht – Subscription price for paying monthly
- Pay 899 Baht per month for 10 months (8,990 Baht) and watch for 12 months which makes it 748 Baht per month
- Pay 899 Baht per month for 18 months (16,182 Baht) and watch for 24 months which makes it 673 Baht per month
- Pay 899 Baht per month for 24 months (21,576 Baht) and watch for 36 months which makes it 599 Baht per month
There are presently two ways that subscribers can watch the programs. Either through a local cable operator or by using a set top box with a KU-band satellite dish. Rent for this is 125 Baht per month or a deposit of 1,800 Baht. If you visit their website, there is a form (click here) where you can register for the set-top box. Unfortunately its all in Thai so you will need to find someone to help you if you cannot read it.
If you know any further information, then please post in the comments below. One of the main questions at the moment is, will the matches have English commentary? I guess that goes for the other channels. No point signing up for something if everything is dubbed into Thai.
One way to watch ALL of the EPL matches in Thailand is either by subscribing to 365Sport or CTH. With 365Sport you can watch five days on demand. That means if you don’t want to stay up for a match you can watch when you wake up in the morning or any time for the following five days. To get a free trial (works until 24 August) click here for details.
Thank you again. Do you know if 365sport has only the EPL channels or more e.g. Fox Sport, Satanta ?
From what I understand, most of it comes from Astrosport. But don’t take my word for it. Why don’t you apply for it? It’s free until further notice.
Thank you. http://Www.iptv-thailand website states that their iptv is watched on a tv with hdmi. So that would seem to me a better bet than 365.
Did you check to see how much their box is? I think about 6,000B+ My Apple TV cost 3,800B and I use that to watch the stream on my big TV. I use it for both ThaiExpatTV and 365Sport.
Hi Richard
Is your Apple TV an actual TV or is it the setbox? How long does it usually take for them to come and install if i were to go with IPTV as i am in the process of getting hi speed internet installed. Can i use Thaiexpat Tv and IPTV at the same time?
I have another blog about how I watch ThaiExpatTV. You might find that more useful to read. Go back to front page as it was a recent blog.
Do i require a satellite dish for using the appletv + thai expat tv setboxes or does it just run directly from the internet.
IPTV is watching TV from the Internet. So, no satellite dish needed.
Hi Richard, Do the people from Thai expat Tv come out and install the system, and do i need to buy the appletv setbox seperatrely.
No they don’t. They send you the download link if you want to install the PC version. Or in my case a web address I open on my iPhone/iPad. Very simple. They have a 2 day free trial period still I think.
Hi Richard thank you for your quick replies. Is it a requirment to have the appletv setbox if i am going with the Thai expat tv setbox.
Hi Richard
Silly question here but this IPTV is it the same as apple tv and thai expat tv, i have been reading some of your comments and you recommend to purchase the setboxes from the UK. I am planning on going for the appletv and thai expat tv would i be better buying the appletv setbox from the uk, if so what are the benefits and what type am i best to go for.
I use ThaiExpatTV together with my AppleTV. I bought one in the UK & one here. No difference. They are 3,800B here in Thailand. To be clear, I use my iPad/iPhone to log into ThaiExpatTV on the Safari browser. I then use AirPlay option to stream this picture over the WiFi to my LCD TV via the Apple TV.
Hi Richard
Once again thank you for your quick reply. Quote me if i am wrong here but do i require an apple tv setbox if i am using a Thai expat tv setbox, or can i just use the Thai expat tv setbox through the internet and tv.
ThaiExpatTV are selling two set-top boxes. You choose which one but you don’t need one if you just want to watch on your mobile device or computer. They are selling the AppleTV but that is now available in Thailand for 3,800B so cheaper to buy yourself. They also sell an Android box. In theory you can buy your own but I have never done that myself. From what I see, you just need a set-top box with a browser. If you buy the Android box from them they will set it up for you and so it is plug and play.
Hi Richard
I would wanting to watch the Thai expat setbox through my Television. Is this possible by just purchasing the Thai expat settop box and pay for the installation, or do i require an android box also if i want to watch directly through Television.
I don’t think they do installation. You would need to ask them that and not me. I have another blog here on how I watch ThaiExpatTV on my big TV. Should still be on the front page.
I can buy into CHT or 365 or IPTV to watch the EPL for about 600 baht per month I believe.
Am I right in thinking that one watches CHT and IPTV on a regular tv but one has to watch 365 on one’s computer screen?
CTH is viewable either through cable or satellite dish. 365Sport is an IPTV service. It means watching TV via the Internet. Normally you watch this on a computer, but you can also use a smartphone. To watch on your TV you need an Android or Apple TV box.
Colin:How do you know Byron is talking about CTH?
What other system besides CTH would you need to get installed?
I have just had this system installed. I can tell you quite clearly before you consider it, the picture quality of the coverage is absolute garbage. Yes you can get the games in English. Get a Thai to help you, otherwise it’s a nightmare to contact them. There pretty clueless about promoting there product. Don’t expect the same quality that you got from True.
I have to disagree. The picture quality on all six CTH football channels has been excellent – true high definition – unlike True who only had two HD football channels. I do have a couple of gripes though – unlike True, who broadcast the Premier League TV channel with John Dykes, there is support programming with English pundits. Second, on a couple of occasions, when I have switched the audio to English, I have had both English AND Thai commentaries combined. Most annoying!
Byron, do you have cable or satellite? If cable, are you in an apartment block? I think the picture quality will vary.
After 3 months of being messed around by CTH my worthless condominium committee have decreed that I cannot go ahead with the installation. Until CTH decided to come everything was assured and hunky dory. Any longevity that was coming my way has probably evaporated. I’m amazed I haven’t had a seizure with all the lies, excuses, insults etc that I have had to contend with. All these years I have lived in this third world country. Maybe I expect too much.Now I have to either put my condo up for rent and find alternative accommodation or try this IPTV. I keep reading conflicting reports about it. I don’t mind paying ( sometimes through the nose) for something worthwhile, but I don’t want anything that’s going to be problematic. For example, my computer is in the bedroom but the better TV is in the living room. Can I get the connection without having wires everywhere? Can I pay someone to set the thing up for me if things don’t go to plan which is highly likely? It took me years to wean myself off EPL pub viewing and I don’t want to rush back into that situation.
Hello Alex,
Sorry to hear about your problems. I have a friend in Chiang Mai who is an expert and 100% honest and reliable. I have been dealing with him for more than ten years. If you don’t live in Chiang Mai he won’t be able to come to you but he might be able to help you (or anyone else)at a distance through the Team Viewer or email. Contact him at [email protected] Tell him Chris Crutchley referred him to you. Suchart is very knowledgeable and is Thai but speaks quite good English. Regards Chris
Thanks Chris for such a speedy response. Unfortunately I’m not in Chiang Mai ( sometimes I wish I was) but I could well contact your friend for some advice. What kind of market research did CTH carry out prior to their EPL bid? It beggars belief. I wonder if they thought they could sub-contract it out and make a pile of money by doing nothing. It wouldn’t surprise me if True allowed themselves to lose the contract. Come to think of it, nothing here surprises me but it doesn’t stop me from going back to Blighty.
The last sentence I wrote didn’t make much sense. Sure, I’m losing it. I would like to know from the condominium dwellers in the capital, who are being denied, what steps they are taking with regard to viewing premier league football.If this 365 is the number 1 option, then that’s where I’m headed.
we have some ip tv box can watch english premier leauge & other channel.
IP box B 7000,
monthly servise charg B 700
130 channels.
Who are you and do you have more information?
I got up to watch Manchester United Vs Chelsea FC last night and I was amazed to listen to the commentary in Thai which was spoken over the English commentary – Why, Why???? they never did this on True Vision
To be clear, were you watching via CTH or 365Sport?
Name the service provider Maurice. For the Euro’s or World Cup UBC had no commentary at all. As soon as possible I personally will put UBC into row Z. They have screwed up 2 world cups deprived me of my footy fix and took out BBC entertainment for 3 years.
I live in a Condo on the 10th Floor , will have a job to get CTH to supply TV. The wiring or the dish will be a problem to install. And I do not have internet as I go to the internet shop near by. Any suggestions ? Help .
If you go to the shop for your internet, can’t you go to the bar for your football? Sorry, but you are out of options.
Sure thats what I do , but the late night kick offs are not so good for me. Getting old.
Just to chip in there, I didn’t get any stuttering sound, so it does seem to be an individual problem.
Thank you Paddy,
Though it does seem rather strange that I don’t have the problem with any other site including the sister Company expat thai. Anyway, I have now contacted them direct. Chris
Arising from all these posts, I have signed up to both 365sport and expatthai tv for their free trials.
Expatthai tv works perfectly in every regard but 365sport on every channel, the sound is continuously stuttering which renders it unlistenable! I have experienced this for only the two days I have been watching. My Internet connection is fine and the video element is perfect.
The Company states on log in that there may be glitches while they continue to set up and configure the service but somewhere I have seen that by the 27th when the free trial ends things should be running properly.
I will be reluctant to sign up for a paid subscription if I cannot be reassured that the sound problem will be resolved.
Am I the only one? Chris
Chris, a friend of mind has had similar problems with 365Sport so you are not alone. An email from them this morning said that they have extended the free trial. Probably until the end of this month.I use ThaiExaptTV and I am very happy with it. Jury still out on 365Sport.
Hi Chris,
Please could you report your issue to our support desk, we would be more than happy to help you fix the issue.
Posting on message boards doesn’t really help to fix issues if we do not know about them.
This is not a general issue and can be dealt with on a case by case basis.
Many Thanks,
I have been watching 365 for 10 days now with no problems.Denis is right I think it is only fair to contact 365 support before going on forums,at least give them a chance to sort the problem out.
Hello Dennis,
Thank you for the response. I am sorry to go to the forum. I am new to this and sought what I might think of as unbiased response from like-minded subscribers suffering a similar problem. It is not my way to undermine your system.
Though you now know my situation do you think I still should write to your support dept? Chris
Hi Guys,
Just wanted you to know that HD channels are now live on the broadcast we offer.
Please sign up for a 100% free trial until 27th to see for your self.
I would like to thank UBC for forcing me to look around for alternatives and also to Richard and others for the info. After UBC managed to cock up the World Cup coverage twice I did consider looking around for another provider and will wait for CTH to sort themselves out before investigating. Thaiexpattv could be ideal for myself and the missus.
Only time will tell but the refusal by UBC to pay for Premiership football could cost them dearly
I recall a certain Mr. Murdock paying what was at the time a ridiculous amount for Premiership football and that plus the Simpsons destroyed the competition.
Hi Paddy, this is the 365 Steve. I cannot say how much the 365 service will cost as no prices have been mentioned yet but it is free until the 27th August and does look promising.As mentioned HD will be available and although a set top box is an option (under 4,000B) I have downloaded the free software and watch it on my laptop for now.
The price is 600 Baht/month with, as yet unannounced, discounts for paying in advance. If you have an Apple TV or Android Box you can already watch on the big screen.
Hi guys. Yes, I have the 365 trial at the moment and it seems OK, I’ll probably go for it permanently. But Richard, you say you can watch it on the big screen if you have an Android box. I do have one, purchased from ThaiExpatTV, but I don’t know how to route the 365 feed through it. Any ideas anyone?
Yes, I have the same as you. I opened the Chrome browser and typed in the URL bar. Then entered my username and password. You should then be good to go the same as for ThaiExpatTV.
Brilliant! I’ll try it when I get home. Thanks for the tip.
ok…after happily watching the epl on true for the last two years i was dissapointed when they lost the broadcasting rights, despite the high price i never had any issues with true. like many i wasted hours on the phone trying to get cth installed, then i found out the dish had to face the opposite way to my true dish and at an angle of 110 degrees. i went and bought the dish and set top box and installed it myself, it was relatively easy and took about 30 mins. all games ive watched have had an english commentary…but thats it!…just the game. there is no build up or post match stuff in english, its all in thai and all very amateurish, yes the price is good but give me true back anytime. also, all the other channels apart from sky news are rubbish. in comparison true had some very good channels. so at least ive got my football but…and i never thought i would say this….i miss my english pundits!
Hi Guys,
We will be replacing all streams with HD versions in the next couple of days, ready for the weekend games.
Anyone that would like to register will get free service, until 27th of this month.
Get your 100% FREE trial here:
Are there two steves on this thread? A steve on August 15th was saying that IPTV has every game and every English channel for 6,000 baht a month, then another steve on August 19th says he’s subscribed to the 365 service. I’m confused!
But this is to the August 15th steve who has a bar in Pattaya: sounds very interesting and I’ll drop by next time I’m down to say hello and see it in action. (The telly, that is.)
IPTV is 6,000 a year but you have to buy the box first time which includes 1 years subscibtion
Steve, IPTV is a generic name for watching TV on the Internet. It is free. However, some people provide services where they collect these free channels together to create an easy to use gateway. What’s the name of your service provider?
It’ 6,000baht a year subscibtion The system from england is the only way to go i laught at most of these comments on here they been in Thailand 5 mins know everything.
Thanks guys for the info. I have subscribed to the 365 IPTV.It took me a while to set it up but their customer support was very helpful and led me through it.It is in English and they do repeat games (though for some reason the Chelsea/Hull game was not shown) the picture quality is similar to the Thai non HD games Hopefully the service will improve. Carl:I would be wary of taking the satellite route as the problem is not in getting the signal but in decrypting it.
Hi Richard…
Al Jazeera are now showing all the English Premier league games for this season too, so can you pick the Al Jazeera Satellite up in Thailand to watch these games?..
If you want the Premier League please sign up and try out our 100% free trial now…. All channels are available for FREE until 27th Aug.. Sign up here:
Many Thanks,
I’ve got the trial version and I must say I’m impressed so far. Sound and picture both really excellent quality, no hanging so far, the signal seems robust, the system seems relatively easy to navigate and the choice is good. Today, first day of the season, is going to be the real acid test!
BTW, I’m amazed by the comment from James on August 14th, who reports that the landlord of a popular expat bar in BKK told him he won’t be showing matches because CTH are charging too much. I agree that it’s an outrageous amount of money and certainly wouldn’t blame the guy. A TiT classic strategy on their part. Wonder how long before they climb down?
Friday 16th August and out having a few beers with friends in Pattaya and the new premiership season topic enters the conversation. For the first time I find out my True Platinum subscription will now not show Premiership for 3 seasons. After I pick myself up off the floor I am still in some kind of after life experience with no footie to watch.
As I have always thought satellite TV companies worldwide have bled us dry for years I am now focusing on how to Pirate the coming seasons Premier League, I will surely have an answer this week and will happily let everyone know.
The UK premier league broadcasting rights are the most expensive viewing rights of any content broadcast anywhere in the world over pay TV, satellite or cable.
So what price reduction are True now going to make from their subscription package for the loss of this very expensive content, I would expect at least Baht 1,000 per month, is this likely??
True please be honest and reduce your package pricing after reducing your high value products.
I ordered CTH at the beginning of August and was told the earliest it could be installed was August 27. However, on August 8 they phoned me to say they were doing five other installations at my village (in Pattaya) and it would suit them if they could instal mine at the same time. Of course I said yes and three hours later I had the full package working perfectly.
I think it’s worth bearing in mind that CTH have paid over £200 million for the three year EPL package – almost five times what True were paying – so it’s in their interests to get it right.
I am no expert on IPTV, but if it does broadcast the UK Sky Sports channels it’s worth pointing out Sky’s contract forbids it from broadcasting live matches when other Premier League games are on – hence the early and late kick-off slots on Saturdays and Sundays and the Monday night match.
Finally, the Premier League has contracted overseas broadcast rights to IMG whose coverage – in English – we have been used to watching here in Thailand. I can’t see it being any different with CTH.
I have just checked with Sky. They are showing 116 live Premier League games in the 2013/14 season while CTH are saying they will show all 380 games.
iptv has every game every English channels you need you will not miss a game 6,000 baht a year
Check out my blog Watch English Premiere League On Demand and Online for 600 Baht – they have just started free trials that allows you to watch matches for free until 27 August. This is a subscription based IPTV. I will review free versions later.
You could try IPTV from IpTV Thailand
Just talking to the proprietor of my local BKK sports pub who tells me I won’t be able to watch it at his bar due to CTH requiring a payment of 550,000 baht to allow his to show in a public venue…
I’m serious. He runs a proper bar which has been running and very popular with expats for 15+ years ..
So I can’t get CTH in my building. There’s a long wait anyway and I can’t watch at the pub .. Brilliant. TIT
I have just been informed that even though i have the new box from CTH i will not be able to view the Premiership football in my area….Samrong!! This despite the company saying yes i can view, no problem!!!
How can such a tin pot company be allowed the rights to such a sporting event when they do not have the ability to screen it in all areas!! To say i am p****d off is an understatement!!
Any suggestions as to how i can view it???
Mark I assume you are interested in EPL essentially. You’ll probably have to go down the IPTV route till these muppets get their act in order which I’m sure they will have to. They were coming to me in June and I’m still not rigged up so it’s down the pub and downloading for the time being.
Anyway I was talking to a well heeled Thai guy who owns large hotels in the Sukumvit (wrong spelling) area and he showed me what he’s got on his IPTV setup. Very impressive and cheaper I might add. You will need a good Internet connection and a modern TV. My knowledge about this is limited but my interest is growing rapidly. Check it out.
Yes Alex only interested in the EPL alone. Thanks for the info regarding the IPTV route. Looks like i will have to try that or force myself out to a pub down Sukhumvit 😉
I can’t believe a company like this have even been considered to buy, let alone actually be allowed to buy the rights to the EPL as they obviously have no idea what they are doing!? They seem to be nothing but a bunch of cowboys who lie through there teeth in order to get people to sign up!!!
You’re right Mark,they’re absolutely hopeless. However, I think once things quieten down they will look to servicing more and more districts. They have to. By the way, I have sent two letters to the EPL but they have not responded. Fine but at least they must know about this and have some concerns. I’m sure the sponsors are raging.
I have at last got a worthwhile contact number for CTH and I spoke to a very polite male English speaker last night. It may do you no harm to talk to him. The number I got him on was 0809110388.
Thanks for the number Alex. I have spoken to someone already and they are apparently going to get my area switched on as soon as possible……….now when that will actually be i’m not sure as they can’t confirm a definite date!! I will try the free trial on Bet365 at the weekend and then it will have to be a pub down Sukhumvit until i am up and running!!
Oh, and I had to pay an extra 300B (included in the 2,600) for a HD cable.
They came as promised. We had awful thunderstorms and heavy rain all day here in Pathum Thani. He waited in his van for a few hours. It stopped for five minutes and he hooked it all up…and it works perfectly well.
The on screen TV guide seems like it’s not ready. Not really any info at all on it. Seems to be showing re-runs of ‘Premier League World’ and ‘Review of the season’ on the HD channels.
On their own website it shows all the games being shown this Saturday on various channels.
I know on ‘Stadium 1’ they will be showing the Liverpool game, then the Arsenal game follwed by the utd game live. I guess (hope) it’s the PLTV feed with John Dykes and a few ex pros as guests.
Even though it’s been raining, ny signal only dropped for about 20 seconds. It’s been pouring down and it works fine.
Cost? All in I paid the guy fitting it 2,600 baht. I’ll get a bill in a few days for 2 months service.
I can stop my panic as it seems I luckily got it before the season starts.
My advice? Get a Thai to speak to them and push them. My wife did just that and they came around within a few days.
I rang two weeks ago and they are coming to install today. I’ve not had all these problems which I read about!
I live in BKK in the Ramkhamhaeng area.
CTH had no problem they installed 2 weeks ago works fine today is the first day they have put football on looks good
Famous last words from myself.
They made a mistake, they thought I wanted the satellite package, when really I needed the cable package. I’m pretty clued up with these sorts of things and I definitely asked and arranged the cable package to be installed.
They will be installing next Friday.
Got a call from them yesterday (after my wife called them). I was on a waiting list and now they say that they are coming on the 13th August. If all goes well, I will have it in time for the kick off.
T.I.T though. Taking nothing for granted just yet. I hear they are fitting up to 4,000 a day atm. Last estimates I heard were 50,000 to go. That number is growing as more become aware of CTH having the PL rights.
Getting my CTH cable installed, as I type this….
My wife called about 10 days ago, I made her call again 2-3 times to push em along….
Hopefully the conmentary will be in english and the service and programming is better than TV.
TV sports coverage programming is truly shite…..
Really happy they lost the rights…..
yes it’s the same channels that sky go has plus many more sports channels in english i think best you look at one working drop by and see me any time after 2pm
iptv at satalite stores
im in pattaya i own pussy galore sports bar can look here we have everything
Steve, you can order English Iptv box from iptv-Thailand. They are priced at 12,500 baht which includes 12 months subscriptions, thereafter 6,000 baht per year. see
Hi Geoff,
I’m thinking of getting IPTV from IpTV Thailand in order to watch the EPL. What speed Broadband connection do you need for the system to work efficiently. IpTV recommended 5Mbps download speed or better. Is this fast enough for the TV to work properly. Anything else I should know before buying? Thanks.
Hi Terry, All I know is from reading the web site. They have demo video’s on the pages at 5mb speed. I only ordered the box yesterday, they say it takes 2-5 working days to be delivered. I have a 16Mb connection so hopefully no problem. It is the Super IPTV English box that I have ordered. I will post results after I receive.
You only need 2mb for a normal stream and they say 5mb for HD
Thanks, Geoff.
Very helpful.
Please let me know how it goes.
I’m in Chaing Mai, but that shouldn’t affect anything I hope.
No problem will keep you posted.
Hi Geoff,
Any progress with IPtv
Sorry Terry I haven’t received the IPTV box as yet. I think they are waiting on more stock. I have just sent them an e-mail to clarify what the delay is. This is Thailand I suppose.
Terry. I got my IpTv Maige Box yesterday. Been running 24 hrs now and have found it excellent. It uses Astro Sports 1, 2, 3, and 4 for the EPL games in English. Watched the Man City game last night (perfect).
For 6,000 baht per year it’s worth it.
Thanks, Geoff.
I’m away from Thailand until the end of September from Saturday but I’ll get the IpTV sorted out for when I get back.
Steve, I’d like to drop by and take a look when I return to Pattaya in a couple of weeks. On your previous post you said they show all Sky channels – is that correct? Because they don’t list them on their website.
yes it’s the same channels that sky go has plus many more sports channels in english i think best you look at one working drop by and see me any time after 2pm
Steve, re iptv. when they mention 2mb or 5mb are they talking about connection speed or download speed. For example a 20 mb connection only gives about 2mb download speed.
I have ThaiExpat.TV which I’m generally happy with. Couple of little grouches and glitches but the people work impressively hard to put things right.
They just sent an email saying that Betfair365 will be available on their service. For an extra approximately 699 baht a month it will carry all EPL as well as La Liga.
However, they also say that further info will come directly from Betfair and any queries should be aimed at them, not ThaiExpatTV, so the full story has yet to be revealed.
But if worst comes to worst, I can always watch Match Of The Day and whatever live games the English terrestrial channels have.
Paddy I got the same email and will blog on this soon. But their service hasn’t been launched yet.
yes, I saw that. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts Richard.
For iptv they say need speed of 2mb or 5 mb. Is this connection speed or actual download speed. because 2mb download speed means a 20mb connection as far as I know…
it’s crap get an Iptv box they the best thing going
Steve, can you tell me more about that? Sounds interesting….
i got one brought over from england it already had the channels on it and it works perfect cost 400 pounds i have cth ubc astro but i think the IPTV box is the best every football match shown all sky channels bbc itv has got the lot
I’m in London this week. I’ll google it, but do you have any idea where I could go and have a look at one? Cheers.
Do you know how long CTH has the EPL contract for – 1 season or 2 seasons or 3 seasons or . . . . Thanks
I hear it’s for the next three seasons. They may re-bid at that point.
I called CTH the minute I cancelled TRUE which was about 2 months ago. I am registered with them but I must have called them a hundred times (that is no exaggeration) I’ve been sent from pillar to post, been cut off and even on a couple of occasions been advised quite rudely. “No speak English” Lately the people i have been connected with have spoken English and been quite civil. Today Lo and behold, they called me me back. After picking myself up off the floor I was decidedly pissed off to be informed that installation would not happen for at least a month. Of course, that means much longer. Considering I stayed home about 7 weeks ago waiting for their technician to arrive this latest news is appalling. I wrote to the EPL last week but I’m sure they already knew about it. The sponsors must be incensed.If there is an option out there let’s hear about it.
You could always go for an Astro system. That will give you PL (not all games but about 5 or 6 per week..usually the biggest games). The feed is Malaysian but commentary/pundits English like Steve McMahon etc. You need to buy a box/dish from a dealer who can fit it with a prepaid card. I’ve seen it working in a few bars and it looks fine. I think it only works BKK and south of BKK. The other one is Telkom Vision. Indonesian feed. Sounds good, nit sure if games in English though.
Maybe give them a call if CTH prove to be as useless at they seem.
Thanks Neil. When you think about it UK residents don’t get all the matches anyway. I’d be happy with their package. I believe Jameson’s in Silom get their signal from Malaysia. When I go to Molly Malone’s on Saturdays i always ask how much progress they have made with CTH. Same answer each week. They ‘re getting the same run around as the rest of us. In fact last Saturday they told me that CTH had placed them at the bottom of the list along with other pubs and restaurants. That’s because they want people to subscribe. Subscribe to what I ask?
I’ve just bought an IPTV box from england has everything problem solved
Thanks Kieran. Seems worrying.
It’s one thing buying the rights for billions of baht. Another one spending millions on installation.
Seems like they’ve forgot that rather important part.
I have True and only found out about them losing the PL 5 days ago.
Maybe I should read the Thai news a little more, but True were still showing the PL pic on their online TV guide until a few days ago. I kept seeing that and never gave it a second thought.
Only realised when I got the TV guide delivered. No PL games for August? No PL on the cover?
Started to panic (yes, panic) but saw pics of top PL players in kits on pages 11,13,15 and 31. Misleading or what!
I went online and found the news story.
Called CTH that day and have been put on a waiting list.
It’s been 5 days.
How long did any of you guys wait?
Personally, from what I read, I wouldn’t hold my breath!
Check out this letter from yesterday’s Bangkok Post from one, ahem, “satisfied” customer….
try ordering it’s impossible the worst company i’ve ever dealt with in thailand and i’ve dealt with lots in the last 18 years. if anyone knows how you can get them to come install please let me know.
I called the call centre on 1619. They had an English option and the lady spoke decent English and was helpful enough. Took all my details and was told to wait for a call when an engineer is ready. They are snowed under and struggling to meet demand.
That call was 5 days ago. Haven’t heard a dicky bird since. Will probably call again next week sometime if no joy.
Some have waited a month or longer for that call. Don’t hold your breath. Many won’t have it in time for kick-off.
Personally, I’m going to try, which brings you all the terrestrial UK channels, and just watch the football on Match of the Day. They also get quite a lot of other English football eg Cup ties and European matches.
I got the set top box a couple of weeks ago and apart from the odd glitch, it seems to work fine. Much cheaper than True as well. Let’s see how it goes. If the Thai CTH thing does get sorted out, I’ll be able to go and watch really important live games in the pub.
I should add that I have no commercial interest in and have discovered since getting it that there are other similar services. Up to you!
Hi Paddy… Do you know where I would apply for Thai Expat TV in Pattaya /Jomtien
Ted, I can answer that. Check out the site on I subscribe also (software version)and can recommend it. Also they are planning to bring out a Sports Package shortly, so should be extra availability of PL games and other sports to watch.
for iptv sports, try
its not expensive and it has the sky sports channels (i’ve been watching the ashes on it)
its pretty good.
thai expat tv is excellent for the free to air tv…
Most condos won’t allow personal satellite dishes and the CTH marketing is abysmal. Looks like this company will be a disaster. Sad thing is mist people no longer get to see the football this year! Even the Thais I spoke to have no idea what to do!
Here’s a copy and paste from The Nation, May 17:
TrueVisions, the current market leader, is turning its focus to the mass market, offering new affordable packages as a part of its key strategy to retain existing customers after losing the rights to broadcast English Premier League (EPL) football for the next three seasons.
CTH, formerly known as Cable Thai Holdings PLC, is spending over Bt200 million to introduce its new logo and brand image and a series of marketing campaigns throughout this year to build consumer confidence. CTH, the new national player, recently beat TrueVisions by snapping up the broadcasting rights of the EPL over the next three seasons.
But as far as I know, True definitely doesn’t have English football next season.
A friend of mine went to True to cancel his subscription and he was told that there will be an announcement about Premier League football soon. The sales clerk hinted that CTH won’t be anywhere near ready to meet the demand for this coming season and the licence will be leased to True.
Not heard this anywhere else, so not sure if it is going to happen.
I guess we will have to wait and see. I would rather keep True until we know if CTH get’s it right.
Hi all.
I did read just the other day that CTH have finally announced their price structure at least. It’s certainly cheaper than True was!
I canceled my True subscription too because apart from English Premier League (I refuse to Americanise it and call it EPL!) it doesn’t have much and it’s damned expensive for what you get.
Simon, in response to the True sales clerk hinting that CTH won’t have their act together, I’m somewhat tempted to say “well they would say that, wouldn’t they?” But in this case, I think he may well be right. The season starts in less than a month and they still aren’t making themselves or their offer clear. This could be an almighty cock-up.
We wait and we wonder….
A almighty ‘cock up’ in Thailand……now that won’t be a first.
Do you have a list of dealers who install CTH?
I live in Jomtien
CTH have a list on their website but last time I looked it was only in Thai.
GUys if you use Bing as your seach engine – you can call uop the CTH website – right click on the screen – select translate with Bing an most of the questions and text (well at least under FAQ;s) converts to english
Does anyone have an answer yet to the question about whether the English commentary will be available?
Hi Richard,
I already got True, can I use the CTH set Top Box on the same Sat disc as True?
In a house – already have true on cable – mostly for prem footy – and a few movie channels. Prem footy the priority for me – but wondering if its worth keeping true vision on a cheaper package .Also, do I just need a set top box for CTH? – or can I get that through my truevision cable? Or need a dish? Thanks for advice
CTH is separate from True. You need to contact your local cable operator or buy a set top box.
Does this mean I can keep my truevision cable connection and add a Cth box to watch prem football?
Are you in an apartment block? If so you need to ask the owners if you can get CTH by cable. Alternatively, are you allowed to have a small satellite dish outside your window?
Hello Richard
Im having True vision installed with my T.V. in Surin tomorrow. Firstly, Do you know if I can connect to Sky on this and
secondly, do you know how I can watch the Lions on T.V?
Many thanks, Phil.
TrueVisions doesn’t have Sky channels. I don’t know about watching Lions.
ok many thanks.
For those in condos with True cable only, the risk is CTH boxes will not work, like Grammy boxes for Euro 2012
Thanks for this Richard. It’s very useful. Do you happen to know how to get in touch with cable operators in Bangkok? When I moved into this condo I ordered True, almost entirely because it has the football, and I’ll be glad to stop as it’s overpriced, I think. But I’m not too sure about who to ask next.
I have never stayed in a condo but I don’t think you can install cable in most of them independent of the condo owners. You would have to speak to them. Some don’t even allow satellites though I have seen plenty of apartment blocks with small satellites outside each window.
Thanks. Yes, I already have cable in my condo but I’m assuming it’s owned by True. or maybe it’s owned by someone else, but you can access True through it. I’ll go and check with the building manager.
I guess the building owner does a deal with True. At the same time, I guess if all the people in your building want to switch to CTH to watch the football then he will do that for you. I doubt they can do both at once. But, like I said, I’ve never lived in a condo or apartment block.