Video of Farang Singing in Thai Going Viral on YouTube


Every now and then a video is released on YouTube that deserves to go viral. This is such a video. The cute video features Maggie Rosenberg, a farang who says she cannot speak Thai but amazingly she can sing it very well. Several people sent me links yesterday and I see that today that the number of views has already started to skyrocket. Check out their YouTube channel for more songs as well as their Facebook Page.


2 thoughts on “Video of Farang Singing in Thai Going Viral on YouTube

  • March 19, 2013 at 8:57 am

    Amazingly with regard to tones singing in Thai is easier than speaking, because tones are kind of hardcoded in the melody, if you understand what I am talking about. Yu only need an ear for music and proper pronunciation.

  • March 13, 2013 at 6:22 am

    It lacks the phonetic transcription in Thai!


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