Public Holidays in Thailand 2013
The following are the official bank holidays for Thailand during 2013:
Tuesday 1st January: New Year’s Day
Monday 25th February: Makha Bucha Day
Monday 8th April: Substitution for Chakri Day (Saturday 6 April)
Monday 15th April: Songkran Festival
Tuesday 16th April: Substitution for Songkran Festival (Sat 13 April and Sun 14 April)
Wednesday 1st May: National Labour Day
Monday 6th May: Substitution for Coronation Day (Sunday 5 May)
Friday 24th May: Wisakha Bucha Day
Monday 1th July: Mid Year Closing Day
Monday 22nd July: Asarnha Bucha Day
Monday 12th August: H.M. the Queen’s Birthday
Wednesday 23rd October: Chulalongkorn Day
Thursday 5th December: H.M. the King’s Birthday
Tuesday 10th December: Constitution Day
Tuesday 31st December: New Year’s Eve
Loy Krathong is not a public holiday, but as I am always bring asked, I will tell you that Loy Krathong next year is on Sunday 17 N0vember 2013.
Hi Richard,
Will travel still be ok on tues 10th? Am due to catch an overnight bus / train. Also would you happen to know if the bangkok – chaing mai railway work is finished an safe to use?
Many thanks
The Northern line is finished. You should be fine.
Richard, please tell me is it possible for ordinary tourist to join Coronation Day celebration, to see some parade?
If yes, when and what time can I see something?
I will be very gratfuf for any answer 🙂
There isn’t usually a parade and most events are restricted and by invitation only.